Saturday, February 11, 2006

Torah summary 2007.2.11

Sefer Breishit

! - indicates a "Eleh toldot" heading

1-4:26 Creation
5-11:9 Generations and flood
1:10-25:11 Avraham
25:12-35 Yishmael and Yitzchak
36-50 Esav and Yaakov

1:1-1:5 Day 1
1:6-1:8 Day 2
1:9-1:13 Day 3
1:14-1:19 Day 4
1:20-1:23 Day 5
1:24-1:31 Day 6
2:1-2:3 Day 7
2:4!-3:15 Man created; Garden of Eden; sin; snake's punishment
3:16 Eve's punishment
3:17-3:21 Adam's punishment
3:22-3:24 Expulsion from Eden
4:1-4:26 Kayin and Avel; Kayin's descendants; Shet and his son Enosh

5:1!...6:4 Book of generations until Noach; "bnei elokim" marry women -> lifespan 120 years
6:5-6:8 Man evil; God regrets creation
6:9!-6:12 Noach righteous; mankind evil
6:13-8:14 God commands Noach to build an ark; Noach and animals enter; they survive the flood
8:15-9:7 Noach leaves ark, sacrifices; God vows never to destroy the world again; God blesses Noach's family and outlaws murder
9:8-9:17 God's rainbow covenant with mankind
9:18-9:28 Noach gets drunk, is violated, curses Canaan, dies
10:1!-10:14,10:15-10:20,10:21-10:32 Descendants of Noach
11:1-11:9 Tower of Bavel

11:10!...!...11:32 Descendants of Shem until Avraham
12:1-12:9 God tells Avraham to travel; Avraham reaches Canaan; God promises it to Avraham
12:10-13:18 Avraham goes to Egypt; Sarah taken by Pharoah but returned; Avraham and Lot separate; Lot goes to Sodom; God re-promises the land
14:1-14:24 Kings attack Sodom, capture Lot; Avraham captures Lot back in battle, refuses to take spoils
15:1-15:20 Brit Bein Habetarim
16:1-16:15 Avraham takes Hagar as concubine; Hagar pregnant; Sarah has her kicked out; angel promises Hagar descendants
17:1-17:14 Brit Milah
17:15-17:27 Brit Milah: Sarah renamed, Avraham and other males circumsized
18:1-19:38 Avraham greets angels, argues over Sodom; angels visit Sodom, tell Lot to flee; Sodom destroyed; Lot's family flees; Lot's daughters have sons by him
20:1-20:16 Avraham goes to Gerar; Sarah taken by Avimelech but returned
21:1-21:21 Yitzchak born; Hagar and Yishmael expelled; God rescues them in the desert
21:22-21:34 Avraham and Avimelech make a treaty
22:1-22:19 Akedah
22:20-22:24 Avraham hears about the birth of Rivkah and other relatives
23:1-23:30 Sarah dies; Avraham buys her a burial cave near Hevron
24:1-24:67 Avraham has his servant find Yitzchak a wife in Haran; Yitzchak marries Rivkah, is comforted after Sarah's death
25:1-25:11 Avraham marries Keturah, has sons, dies, is buried

25:12!-25:18 Yishmael's descendants; Yishmael dies
25:19!-25:34 Yitzchak has two sons; Yaakov buys the birthright from Esav
26:1-26:33 In famine, Yitzchak goes to Gerar; Rivkah avoids being taken; Yitzchak becomes rich, quarrels with Gerar, makes a treaty with Avimelech
26:34-26:35 Esav marries Canaanites; his parents hate it
27:1-28:9 Yitzchak is old; Yaakov tricks him into giving him Esav's blessing; Yaakov has to flee to Haran; Esav marries Yishmael's daughter
28:10-32:3 Yaakov reaches Haran, works for his cousin Lavan, is exploited, marries Leah and Rachel, gets rich, flees home, makes treaty with Lavan
32:4-33:17 Yaakov sends gifts to Esav, fights an angel at night, meets Esav safely
33:18-33:20 Yaakov builds an altar in Shchem
34:1-34:31 Yaakov's daughter abducted by Hamor of Shchem; Shimon and Levi treacherously kill the people of Shchem
35:1-35:8 Yaakov goes to Beit-El, builds an altar; idols removed
35:9-35:22 God renames Yaakov Yisrael; Rachel dies in childbirth; Reuven lays with Yaakov's concubine Bilhah
35:23-35:29 Yaakov's 12 sons; Yitzchak dies

36:1!-!-36:19 Descendants of Esav
36:20-36:30 Descendants of Seir (the people of Edom)
36:31-36:43 Kings in Edom
37:1!-37:36 Yosef sold to Egypt
38:1-38:30 Yehudah has children by his daughter-in-law, admits his guilt
39:1-39:23 Yosef successful as a slave; his master's wife falsely accuses him of attempted rape; he is sent to jail
40:1-40:22 Yosef successful in jail, correctly interprets dreams for butler and baker
41:1-44:17 Pharaoh dreams; Yosef interprets, is given power; famine occurs; Yosef's brothers come to buy food; makes them bring Binyamin; Binyamin accused of theft
44:18-46:7 Yehudah begs; Yosef reveals himself; brothers return; the whole family moves to Egypt
46:8-46:27 List of people moving to Egypt
46:28-47:31 Family meets Pharaoh; Yosef buys Egyptian people's land and freedom for food; Yaakov asks to be buried in Canaan
48:1-48:22 Yaakov promises inheritance to Yosef's sons, blesses them
49:1-49:4 Yaakov blesses Reuven
49:5-49:7 Yaakov blesses Shimon, Levi
49:8-49:12 Yaakov blesses Yehudah
49:13 Yaakov blesses Zevulun
49:14-49:15 Yaakov blesses Yissachar
49:16-49:18 Yaakov blesses Dan
49:19 Yaakov blesses Gad
49:20 Yaakov blesses Asher
49:21 Yaakov blesses Naftali
49:22-49:26 Yaakov blesses Yosef
49:27-50:24 Yaakov blesses Binyamin; Yaakov dies, buried in Canaan; brothers beg Yosef for protection; Yosef lives long, dies in Egypt

Sefer Shemot

! - indicates a new command by God

1-7:7 Slavery; God will redeem Israel
7:8-13 Exodus
14-24 Israel commits to God
25-40 God dwells among Israel (despite golden calf interruption)

1:1-1:7 List of those who came to Egypt; they have many descendants
1:8-1:22 New Pharaoh enslaves Israel, tries to have male babies killed
2:1-2:22 Moshe born, raised by Pharaoh's daughter, kills an Egyptian, flees to Midian, marries
2:23-2:25 God recognizes Israel's suffering
3:1-4:17 God appears to Moshe, tells him to go to Egypt and prepare them to leave; Moshe hesitates; God provides miraculous signs and has Aharon help Moshe
4:18-4:26 Moshe leaves with his family; on the way Tziporah circumcises his son, avoiding his death
4:27-6:1 Aharon meets Moshe; Pharaoh refuses to let them go, increases their labor; the people complain; God reassures Moshe
6:2-6:9 God promises to fulfill Brit Bein Habetarim
6:10-6:12 God tells Moshe to meet Pharaoh; Moshe hesitates
6:13 God re-tells Moshe
6:14-6:28 [interlude] genealogy including notable people from tribe of Levi
6:29-6:30 [recapitulates 6:10-6:12] God tells Moshe to meet Pharaoh; Moshe hesitates
7:1-7:7 [recapitulates 6:13] God retells Moshe, adds predictions of Pharaoh's response and plagues

7:8-7:13 Moshe performs the rod/snake sign; Pharoah's magicians do the same
7:14-7:18 God tells Moshe to announce the plague of blood to Pharoah
7:19-7:25 Plague of blood; magicians do the same
7:26-8:11 Plague of frogs; magicians do the same; Pharaoh begs for their removal
8:12-8:15 Plague of gnats/lice; magicians fail
8:16-8:28 Plague of "arov"; Pharoah negotiates but does not let the people go
9:1-9:7 Plague of animal disease
9:8-9:12 Plague of boils
9:13-9:21 Moshe announces hail
9:22-9:35 Plague of hail; Pharoah admits guilt, then hardens his heart
10:1-10:11 Moshe announces locusts; Pharoah refuses to let everyone go
10:12-10:20 Plague of locusts; Pharoah admits guilt, then hardens his heart
10:21-10:29 Plague of darkness
11:1-11:3 God has the people ask their neighbors for valuables
11:4-11:8 Moshe predicts death of firstborn
11:9-11:10 God predicts Pharaoh will not listen, as in previous plagues
12:1-12:20 God commands Moshe and Aharon about the of Pesach offering and holiday
12:21-12:28 Moshe commands the people; they prepare
12:29-12:36 Firstborns killed; Egyptians expel Israel (and give them wealth)
12:37-12:42 Description of leaving Israelites; this was after exactly 430 years of dwelling in Egypt
12:43-12:50 Extra details of Pesach offering (who can eat, where, how); these were performed by Israel [Pesach for the generations?]
12:51 [recapitulates 12:41] On that night Israel left Egypt
13:1-13:10 God's command about firstborn animals; Moshe commands the people to celebrate Pesach...
13:11-13:16 ...and to set aside firstborn animals, both in memory of leaving Egypt
13:17-13:22 God guides Israel in the desert, by the less-traveled Red Sea route, with a pillar of cloud and fire

14:1-14:14 God directs them to camp on the sea; Pharoah's army chases; the people complain; Moshe promises salvation
14:15-14:25 God has Moshe split the sea; Israel and then the army enter
14:26-14:31 God has Moshe restore the sea; the army drowns; Israel loyal to God
15:1-15:19 Song at the sea
15:20-15:21 Women sing at the sea
15:22-15:26 Israel travels, finds only bitter water, complains; Moshe makes the water potable
15:27-16:3 Israel complains about lack of food
16:4-16:10 God instructs Moshe about manna
16:11-16:27 The people eat manna; they save it for the next day against Moshe's command, and look on Shabbat when they are told it won't fall
16:28-16:36 Moshe castigates the people; some manna is saved in a jar for the ages
17:1-17:7 The people complain of thirst; Moshe and the elders hit a rock to produce water
17:8-17:13 Israel and Amalek fight; Israel wins when Moshe's hands are raised
17:14-17:16 God promises to wipe out Amalek
18:1-18:27 Yitro visits, recognized what God has done for Israel, convinces Moshe to appoint lower-level judges
19:1-19:25 God offers Israel to become his nation; the people agree; God appears on the third day
20:1 Intro to 10 commandments
20:2-20:5 Commandments 1,2
20:6 Commandment 3
20:7-20:10 Commandment 4
20:11 Commandment 5
20:12 Commandments 6,7,8,9
20:13 Commandment 10
20:14-20:17 The people are afraid and flee; Moshe scales the mountain alone
20:18-20:22 God's speech to Moshe: laws of altars...
21:1-21:6 (Mishpatim) Male slaves...
21:7-21:11 Female slaves...
21:12-21:13 Murder and refuge for manslaughter...
21:14 No refuge for murder...
21:15 Striking your parents...
21:16 Kidnapping...
21:17 Cursing your parents...
21:18-21:19 Damages for injury in a fight...
21:20-21:21 Damage to your slave...
21:22-21:25 Damage to a fetus; eye for eye principle...
21:26-21:27 Freedom for injured slave...
21:28-21:32 Damage by goring ox...
21:33-21:34 Damage by pit...
21:35-21:36 Damage by ox to ox...
21:37-22:3 Double/quadruple/quintuple damages for theft; killing thief in the tunnel...
22:4 Damage by grazing in a field...
22:5 Damage by fire in a field...
22:6-22:8 Guarded object which is stolen...
22:9-22:12 Guarded animal which is stolen...
22:13-22:14 Borrowed object...
22:15-22:16 Damage for seduced virgin...
22:17-22:18 No sorcery; no bestiality...
22:19-22:23 Don't sacrifice to other gods; treat the needy well...
22:24-22:26 Laws of loaning to the poor...
22:27-22:30 Don't curse leaders; give firstborn people and animals to God; be holy; don't eat torn flesh...
23:1-23:3 Don't bear false witness or be biased in judgment...
23:4 Return (your enemy's) lost animals...
23:5 Help your enemy's overloaded animal...
23:6-23:19 Be fair in court; don't oppress strangers; shviit; shabbat; don't mention other gods; 3 holidays...
23:20-23:25 God will defeat Israel's enemies, but Israel must remain loyal and destroy Canaanite worship...
23:26-23:33 God will drive out Canaanites; Israel must not make a covenant with them.
24:1-24:11 Moshe reports this speech to the people; they agree to it; they erect pillars, offer sacrifices, and "see" God
24:12-24:17 Moshe goes up the mountain for 40 days to get the tablets

25:1!-25:9 Contributions (terumah) to the mishkan
25:10-25:22 Ark (to hold tablets), cover, keruvim
25:23-25:30 Table
25:31-25:40 Menorah
26:1-26:14 Coverings/roof
26:15-26:30 Boards/walls
26:31-26:37 Parochet/curtain; placement of other things inside/outside it
27:1-27:8 Altar
27:9-27:19 Courtyard
27:20-27:21 Olive oil for lighting
28:1-28:5 Clothing for Aharon and his sons who will be priests
28:6-28:12 Ephod
28:13-28:14 Gold settings and chains
28:15-28:30 Hoshen
28:31-28:35 Me'il
28:36-28:43 Headplate; ketonet; pants
29:1-29:37 Induction procedure for Aharon and his sons (miluim)
29:38-29:45 Daily offering; through this God will dwell within Israel
30:1-30:10 Incense altar (don't use it for foreign incense; once a year atone on it)
30:11!-30:16 Half-shekel ("atonement money") from each person
30:17!-30:21 Washing stations
30:22!-30:33 Spiced anointing oil
30:34!-30:37 Incense
31:1!-31:11 Betzalel and Aholiav appointed to make the stuff listed above
31:12!-31:17 Keep shabbat
31:18-32:6 Moshe gets the tablets; golden calf made and worshipped while Moshe was gone
32:7-32:14 God asks to wipe out the Jewish people; Moshe convinces God to reconsider
32:15-32:35 Moshe descends, destroys the tablets and then the calf, interrogates Aharon, has 3000 people killed, returns to God
33:1-33:11 God tells Moshe to take the people to Canaan without Him; Moshe and God's presence are outside the camp
33:12-33:16 Moshe asks for God to accompany them
33:17-33:23 God consents and agrees to "show his ways" to Moshe
34:1-34:26 Moshe hears 13 attributes of mercy; God makes new covenant with laws from before [23:23-23:24,23:32,23:10-23:19]
34:27-34:35 Moshe descends with new tablets; his face shines
35:1-35:3 Moshe tells the people to keep Shabbat
35:4-35:29 Moshe asks people for contributions; they bring raw materials for the mishkan
35:30-36:7 Betzalel and Aholiav announced to the people as chief artisans; other artisans join them
36:8-36:13 Mishkan coverings made
36:14-36:19 Curtains made
36:20-36:38 Boards/walls made
37:1-37:9 Ark, cover, keruvim made
37:10-37:16 Table made
37:17-37:24 Menorah made
37:25-37:29 Incense altar, oil, incense made
38:1-38:7 Altar made
38:8 Washing station made
38:9-38:20 Courtyard made
38:21-38:23 Betzalel and Aholiav made all the above things
38:24-39:1 Amounts of materials used
39:2-39:5 Ephod made
39:6-39:7 Stones and gold setting for ephod made
39:8-39:21 Hoshen made
39:22-39:26 Me'il made
39:27-39:29 Ketonet, turban, pants made
39:30-39:31 Headplate made
39:32 Work is finished
39:33-39:43 Finished products shown to Moshe, who blesses the people
40:1-40:16 God tells Moshe to assemble the mishkan
40:17-40:19 Moshe assembles the mishkan, walls, and coverings
40:20-40:21 Moshe puts the tablets in the ark, and the ark in the mishkan
40:22-40:23 Moshe puts the table with bread in the mishkan
40:24-40:25 Moshe puts the menorah in the mishkan and lights it
40:26-40:27 Moshe puts the incense altar in the mishkan and offers incense
40:28-40:29 Moshe puts the altar in place and offers normal sacrifices
40:30-40:32 Moshe sets up the washing station
40:33 Moshe erects the courtyard
40:34-40:38 Cloud of God's glory enters the mishkan, and from then on directs Israel's journeys

Sefer Vayikra

! - indicates a new command by God to Israel
@ - in this book only, indicates a new command by God to Aharon and sons (and possibly Israel too)

1-7 Sacrificial offerings
8-24:8 Mishkan inaugurated; death of Aharon's sons; how to relate to mishkan (but don't forget, social justice is central)
24:9-27 Commitment to keeping the Torah, so as to stay on our land

1:1!-1:9 God commands from the mishkan: How to offer a burnt-offering (cattle)
1:10-1:13 How to offer a burnt-offering (sheep/goats)
1:14-1:17 How to offer a burnt-offering (birds)
2:1-2:3 How to offer a flour-offering
2:4 Rules for flour-offering if baked
2:5-2:6 Rules for flour-offering if cooked on stove. Should be broken into pieces [applies to baked flour-offering too?]
2:7-2:13 Rules for flour-offering in a pan; how to offer a flour-offering (continued); don't use leaven, do add salt
2:14-2:16 How to offer a first-fruits flour-offering
3:1-3:5 How to offer a peace-offering [shlamim] (cattle)
3:6-3:11 How to offer a peace-offering (sheep)
3:12-3:17 How to offer a peace-offering (goats); internal fat and blood belong to God
4:1!-4:12 If the high priest unintentionally sins, how to bring the sin-offering
4:13-4:21 If the whole people unintentionally sins, how to bring the sin-offering
4:22-4:26 If the "nasi" unintentionally sins, how to bring the sin-offering
4:27-4:31 If a common person unintentionally sins, how to bring the sin-offering
4:32-4:35 How to use a lamb for this offering in place of a goat
5:1-5:10 If you sin through not testifying, or impurity, or falsely swear - you must confess, and how to bring the sin-offering and burnt-offering, and birds if you're poor
5:11-5:13 If you're even poorer, bring flour
5:14!-5:16 If you improperly use hekdesh, how to bring the guilt-offering [asham]
5:17-5:19 If you sin unknowingly, how to bring the guilt-offering (according to valuation)
5:20!-5:26 If you sin monetarily against someone, how to repay and bring the guilt-offering
6:1@-6:6 Details of burnt-offering
6:7-6:11 Details of flour-offering
6:12@-6:16 Flour-offering for priests when they are invested
6:17@-6:23 Details of sin-offering
7:1-7:10 Details of guilt-offering; division of offerings among priests (for eating)
7:11-7:21 Details of peace-offering; laws about eating it while impure
7:22!!-7:38 Don't eat internal fat or blood; more details of peace-offering; end of sacrifice laws (given "in" Mount Sinai)

8:1!-8:36 Moshe dresses and anoints Aharon and sons; bull and ram sacrificed; Aharon and sons remain in mishkan 7 days
9:1-10:7 More offerings on 8th day; Divine fire consumes them; Nadav and Avihu offer "strange fire"; God kills them
10:8@-10:11 Priests may not drink alcohol while serving
10:12-10:20 Moshe gives further sacrificial instructions; Aharon and remaining sons do otherwise; Moshe angry; they justify their actions; Moshe appeased
11:21!-11:28 Mammals, fish, birds, insects which may/may not be eaten and cause impurity
11:29-11:38 Swarming things which may not be eaten; laws of impurity
11:39-11:47 More laws of animal-caused impurity m
12:1!-12:8 Impurity laws and sacrifices for woman who gives birth
13:1!-13:8 Leprosy - "benign"
13:9-13:17 Leprosy - "malignant" and the completely-leprous person
13:18-13:23 Leprosy - on a boil
13:24-13:28 Leprosy - on a burn
13:29-13:37 Leprosy - hair/beard
13:38-13:39 Leprosy - white spots don't count
13:40-13:46 Leprosy and baldness; rules for leper
13:47-13:59 Leprosy - garment
14:1!-14:20 Sacrifice for recovered leper
14:21-14:32 Sacrifice for poor recovered leper
14:33!-14:57 Leprosy - in a house, and associated "sacrifice" to purify it; summary of leprosy laws
15:1!-15:15 "Zav" (male)
15:16-15:18 Seminal emission
15:19-15:24 Menstrual impurity
15:25-15:33 "Zava" (female); summary of bodily emission laws
16:1@-16:34 Atonement (=Yom Kippur) service
17:1@-17:16 Meat can be eaten only of animal presented in mishkan; don't eat blood
18:1!-18:6,18:7,...,18:16,18:17-18:30 Forbidden sexual relationships
19:1!-19:22 "Be Holy" laws (like 10 commandments, plus social justice, courts, some rituals)
19:23-19:32 "Be Holy" laws II
19:33-19:37 "Be Holy laws III
20:1!-20:27 Punishments for forbidden sexual relationships
21:1@-21:9 Laws of impurity, shaving, marriage for priests
21:10-21:15 Laws of impurity, hair, marriage for high priest [10:6-10:7]
21:16-21:24 Deformed priests can't serve
22:1@-22:16 Who can eat holy food (priests, their families) but not impure priests our outsiders
22:17@-22:25 Don't sacrifice deformed animals
22:26!-22:33 Don't sacrifice newborn animal or animal with its mother; eat sacrifice within one day; in general keep commandments & don't desecrate God's name
23:1!-23:3 Shabbat
23:4-23:8 Holidays: Pesach
23:9!-23:14 Omer offering
23:15-23:22 Shavuot
23:23!-23:25 Rosh Hashana
23:26!-23:32 Yom Kippur
23:33!-23:44 Sukkot
24:1!-24:4 Olive oil for menorah
24:5-24:9 Showbread (on Shabbat)

24:10-24:12 Story: An Israelite blasphemes, is imprisoned
24:13-24:23 On God's command he is executed; punishments for blasphemy, murder, battery, killing someone's animal
25:1!-25:7 Shemita
25:8-25:24 Yovel; slaves freed and land returned; land is really God's; trust in God and harvests will make up for shemita
25:25-25:28 Redeeming sold land before yovel
25:29-25:34 Redemption laws in cities
25:35-25:38 Support, and loan without interest to, the poor
25:39-25:46 Limits on Jewish slavery (yovel) but not on non-Jewish slaves
25:47-26:2 Should redeem relatives who sold themselves into slavery; don't worship idols; keep Shabbat and revere the mishkan
26:3-26:13 Blessings: if you obey God
26:14-26:26 Curses: if you disobey
26:27-26:46 Curses: if you keep disobeying; eventually the remnant will repent and be returned
27:1!-27:8 Arachin: vows by a person's value [a finish symbolizing our "vow" to keep the Torah?]
27:9-27:34 Hekdesh: sacrificeable and nonsacrificeable animals, houses, fields; laws of redeeming and switching holy things

Sefer Bamidbar

Laws "for the generations" (even if relevant to storyline) are indented.

1-10 Preparations for departure; camp structure emphasizing mishkan
11-19 Travels in year 2 (why they didn't reach Israel)
20-36 Travels in year 40 (to Israel)

1:1-1:19 God commands a census for war; princes who carry it out
1:20-1:21 Census of Reuven
1:22-1:23 Census of Shimon
1:24-1:25 Census of Gad
1:26-1:27 Census of Yehudah
1:28-1:29 Census of Yissachar
1:30-1:31 Census of Zevulun
1:32-1:33 Census of Efraim
1:34-1:35 Census of Menashe
1:36-1:37 Census of Binyamin
1:38-1:39 Census of Dan
1:40-1:41 Census of Asher
1:42-1:43 Census of Naftali
1:44-1:47 Census totals
1:48-1:54 Levi not counted, they stay with mishkan and don't fight
2:1-2:9 Eastern camp: Yehudah, Yissachar, Zevulun
2:10-2:16 Southern camp: Reuven, Shimon, Gad
2:17 Levi and mishkan in the middle
2:18-2:24 Western camp: Efraim, Menashe, Binyamin
2:25-2:31 Southern camp: Dan, Asher, Naftali
2:32-2:34 Census totals; the tribes encamped
3:1-3:4 List of Aharon's sons
3:5-3:10 Levi should come serve with the mishkan
3:11-3:13 Levi was selected in place of firstborn (in recognition of 10th plague)
3:14-3:26 List of Levite families; families of Gershon; their male population (age 1 month and up), location, and work
3:27-3:39 Families of Kehat; their male population, location, work; families of Merari; their male population, location, work; Levite census total
3:40-3:43 Census of Israelite firstborn
3:44-3:51 Firstborns redeemed and replaced with Levites
4:1-4:16 Kehat - census from age 30-50; detailed list of their work (carry Temple vessels after priests have wrapped them in cloth)
4:17-4:20 Kehat members cannot enter and look at the vessels while they are covered
4:21-4:28 Gershon - census command; detailed list of their work (carry the mishkan tent)
4:29-4:37 Merari - census command; detailed list of their work (carry the surrounding walls)
4:38-4:49 Gershon and Merari census totals (age 30-50); total Levite census total
5:1-5:4 Lepers and impure people leave camp on God's command
5:5-5:10 Laws of certain things which go to priests (improper use of others' [hekdesh?] property which can't be returned to owner; also hekdesh in general)
5:11-5:31 Sotah [done by priests]
6:1-6:21 Nazir and his sacrifice
6:22-6:23 Priestly blessing
6:24,6:25,6:26 Text of blessing
7:1-7:11 Gifts by princes at mishkan inauguration - wagons and oxen
7:12-7:17 Gift of prince of Yehudah
7:18-7:23 Gift of prince of Yissachar
7:24-7:29 Gift of prince of Zevulun
7:30-7:35 Gift of prince of Reuven
7:36-7:41 Gift of prince of Shimon
7:42-7:47 Gift of prince of Gad
7:48-7:53 Gift of prince of Efraim
7:54-7:59 Gift of prince of Menashe
7:60-7:65 Gift of prince of Binyamin
7:66-7:71 Gift of prince of Dan
7:72-7:77 Gift of prince of Asher
7:78-7:83 Gift of prince of Naftali
7:84-7:90 Total amount of the 12 gifts for inauguration; Moshe enters mishkan after inauguration and speaks to God
8:1-8:4 Aharon lights menorah as commanded
8:5-8:22 Aharon "brings" Levites as an "offering" to begin their service, as commanded
8:23-8:26 Levites work from age 25-50 [Not from age 30; Rashbam+Ibn Ezra: did non-carrying work, Rashi: learned the laws; Ramban: worked if they wanted to]
9:1-9:8 Pesach kept (in second year), impure people ask what to do
9:9-9:14 Laws of pesach sheni
9:15-9:23 A Divine cloud covered the mishkan, and they would move or wait based on when it lifted
10:1-10:10 Laws of trumpets and when they are to be blown
10:11-10:28 Israel leaves on their first journey; order of the camps while traveling
10:29-10:34 Moshe unsuccessfully asks Hovav [=Yitro?] to stay with them; they start traveling, led by the ark
10:35-10:36 What Moshe would pray when the ark stopped and started

11:1-11:15 The people complain ("speak evil"); God burns some of them; the people ask for meat; Moshe tells God he is incapable of leading them
11:16-11:22 God commands to gather the elders and tell the people they will have more meat than they can stand; Moshe protests that not enough meat exists
11:23-11:35 God replies; 70 elders get Moshe's spirit; 2 of them prophesy separately but Moshe accepts it; the people get lots of meat; a plague breaks out
12:1-12:3 Miriam and Aharon talk wrongly about Moshe
12:4-12:13 God tells them that Moshe's prophecy is unique; Miriam gets leprosy; Moshe prays to heal her
12:14-12:16 Miriam exiled from the camp for a week; meanwhile Israel doesn't travel
13:1-14:10 Spies sent; they return, describe Canaan as unconquerable; the people decide to return to Egypt
14:11-14:25 God wants to destroy the people; Moshe convinces God not to; nevertheless they will die in the desert
14:26-14:45 The 10 bad spies die; Moshe tells they people they won't enter Canaan; they try to invade Canaan with Moshe's disapproval; they lose
15:1-15:16 Laws to be kept in Israel: Flour- and drink-offerings which must go with animal offerings
15:17-15:21 Laws to be kept in Israel: Challah
15:22-15:26 Law of sacrifice for unintentional communal sin
15:27-15:31 Law of sacrifice for unintentional personal sin; but if intentional, you get karet
15:32-15:34 A Shabbat violator found and imprisoned [exemplifies previous paragraph?]
15:35-15:36 He is stoned on God's command
15:37-15:41 Laws of tzitzit, to remember the commandments (SHEMA PARAGRAPH 3)
16:1-16:19 Korach and company protest Moshe's special status; Moshe arranges for him and them to bring fire-offerings as a test
16:20-16:22 God wants to destroy the people; Moshe and Aharon protest
16:23-16:35 God has people stay away from Datan/Aviram's tents; the earth swallows them on Moshe's suggestion; the fire-offering bringers are burnt to death
17:1-17:5 The fire-pans of Korach's followers are made into an alter covering as a remembrance
17:6-17:8 The people complain that Moshe has killed "God's people"
17:9-17:15 God brings a plague; Moshe stops it by bringing a fire-offering
17:16-17:24 Each tribe brings a rod; Aharon's rod miraculously blossoms
17:25-17:26 Aharon's rod stored in the mishkan as a remembrance against rebels
17:27-17:28 The people complain that anyone who approaches the mishkan dies [Important line, seeing the mishkan's significance to their travels in ch. 4-10]
18:1-18:7 God affirms: Aharon and Levites deal with the mishkan; others must stay away
18:8-18:20 List of priestly gifts; Aharon gets no land
18:21-18:24 Levites get tithe, don't get land
18:25-18:32 Levites can eat tithe, but must separate trumat maaser
19:1-19:22 Laws of red cow [End of laws reacting to 17:27-28]

20:1-20:6 Miriam dies; no water; people complain, say they wish they had died
20:7-20:11 Moshe told to publicly make water from the stone; he hits the stone and makes water
20:12-20:13 Moshe cannot enter Canaan because he did not sanctify God (Mei Merivah)
20:14-20:21 Israel asks to travel through Edom; Edom refuses; Israel goes around them
20:22-20:29 Israel reaches Hor haHar; Aharon dies due to Mei Merivah
21:1-21:3 Arad raids Israel; Israel fights and wins with God's help [14:45]
21:4-21:16 Israel circumvents Edom; complaints; God sends snakes; repentance; Moshe makes healing copper snake; they travel north to Arnon river
21:17-21:20 Song Israel sung when water was produced; further travels
21:21-22:1 Israel asks to travel through Sichon's kingdom; Sichon refuses; Israel destroys them, destroys Og's kingdom, camps near Jordan river
22:2-24:25 Balak of Moav wants Bilaam to curse Israel, is thwarted
25:1-25:9 Israel whores and worships idols with Midian [and Moav]; plague begins; Pinchas ends it by killing a man and his consort near the mishkan
25:10-25:15 Pinchas gets "covenant of peace"
25:16-26:1 God commands revenge against Midian
26:1-26:11 Census for war taken; census of Reuven; genealogy of Datan and Aviram who were killed; Korach's sons survived
26:12-26:14 Census of Shimon
26:15-26:18 Census of Gad
26:19-26:22 Census of Yehudah
26:23-26:25 Census of Yissachar
26:26-26:27 Census of Zevulun
26:28-26:34 Census of Menashe; descendants of Gilad; daughters of Tzelafchad
26:35-26:37 Census of Efraim
26:37-26:41 Census of Binyamin
26:42-26:43 Census of Dan
26:44-26:47 Census of Asher
26:48-26:51 Census of Naftali; census totals
26:52-26:56 These totals will be used to apportion land in Israel
26:57-26:65 Census of Levi; Moshe; Aharon and his sons. Only Kalev and Yehoshua were in the previous census too
27:1-27:5 Tzelafchad's daughters ask to inherit his land rights
27:6-27:11 God agrees; inheritance laws (son, daughter, brothers, father's family, other relatives)
27:12-27:14 God tells Moshe to prepare to die
27:15-27:23 Moshe asks for God to appoint a new leader; God has him confer authority to Yehoshua (semicha)
28:1-28:8 Daily sacrifice
28:9-28:10 Mussaf offering for Shabbat
28:11-28:15 Mussaf offering for Rosh Hodesh
28:16-28:25 Mussaf offering for Pesach
28:26-28:31 Mussaf offering for Shavuot
29:1-29:6 Mussaf offering for Rosh Hashanah
29:7-29:11 Mussaf offering for Yom Kippur
29:12-29:16 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 1
29:17-29:19 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 2
29:20-29:22 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 3
29:23-29:25 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 4
29:26-29:28 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 5
29:29-29:31 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 6
29:32-29:34 Mussaf offering for Sukkot day 7
29:35-30:1 Mussaf offering for Shemini Atzeret
30:2-30:17 Laws of vows by women
31:1-31:12 On God's command Israel defeats Midian, comes home with booty and women and kids
31:13-31:20 Moshe angry that the women who enticed Israel were spared, has non-virgin women and male kids killed; killers must purify and wait outside camp
31:21-31:24 Laws of purification for captured vessels
31:25-31:54 List of booty captured; booty divided between warriors and other people with 0.2% going to Elazar the priest
32:1-32:4 Reuven and Gad ask for land on east bank
32:5-32:15 Moshe accuses them of unfaithfulness as with the spies
32:16-32:19 Reuven and Gad promise to send men for fighting
32:20-32:42 Moshe agrees; Reuven, Gad, and part of Menashe settle land on the east bank
33:1-33:39 List of places Israel stopped at on their 40-year journey - until Aharon's death
33:40-33:49 List of places - until arrival near the Jordan river
33:50-33:56 God commands to drive out Canaanites completely in order to live there
34:1-34:15 Borders of the land
34:16-34:29 Princes responsible for apportioning of the land by lot
35:1-35:8 Laws of Levite cities
35:9-35:34 Laws of cities of refuge and murder
36:1-36:13 Leaders of Menashe complain that Tzelafchad's daughters' inheritance will leave the tribe; Moshe commands them to marry within Menashe

Sefer Devarim

1-4:40 Moshe's first speech - "The Words"
4:41-26 (Cities of refuge, and) Moshe's second speech - "The Laws"
27-34 Day-after preparations; covenant in Moav; Moshe dies

1:1-2:1 Moshe's first speech: Moshe appointed judges on the way to Canaan; spies incident makes them stay in desert
2:2-2:8 The people passed Edom without fighting, because they would not inherit it
2:9-2:16 They passed Moav for the same reason; 40 years have passed
2:17-2:30 They passed Ammon for the same reason; they requested to go through Sichon's kingdom
2:31-3:22 Sichon and Og were conquered; 2.5 tribes inherited on east bank, were commanded to fight in the west; Sichon and Og were an example for Yehoshua
3:23-3:29 God refused Moshe's request to enter Canaan; Yehoshua will lead instead
4:1-4:24 Mussar: Remember the commandments; don't make idols because at Sinai God did not appear in a body
4:25-4:40 If you make idols and are punished, repent and God will have mercy, as proven by all the miracles done since Egypt. End of Moshe's speech.

4:41-4:49 Cities of refuge apportioned; intro to second speech
5:1-5:5 Recap of Sinai until 10 commandments
5:6-5:9 Commandments 1,2
5:10 Commandment 3
5:11-5:14 Commandment 4
5:15 Commandment 5
5:16 Commandments 6,7,8,9
5:17 Commandment 10
5:18-6:3 At Sinai, the people were afraid; God had them retreat and Moshe received the laws alone
6:4-6:9 God is one; follow God and continually think of the laws (SHEMA PARAGRAPH 1)
6:10-6:15 Serve God after entering Canaan
6:16-6:19 Don't try God; do what is righteous and good
6:20-6:25 When asked, tell your son that commandments are from God after Exodus
7:1-7:11 Do not let Canaanites live or marry them; destroy idols; God chose Israel despite its weakness, so He will reward and punish
7:12-7:16 If you obey you will be rewarded; do not have pity on Canaanites, lest they entrap you
7:17-7:26 If you're afraid of conquering, remember Egypt; God will help conquer; destroy their idols
8:1-8:18 Remember the desert miracles when you're in the land; don't get proud and forget God's role
8:19-8:20 If you worship idols, you will perish just as other nations have
9:1-9:29 God will destroy the Canaanites because they were evil, not because you are righteous - as evidence, the golden calf and other rebellions
10:1-10:11 God spared Israel after the golden calf and let them enter Canaan eventually. (Also two weird interjections about their travels and the Levites' role)
10:12-11:9 God is all-powerful - He made the Patriarchs into a nation and made miracles in Egypt and the desert - so obey Him
11:10-11:12 Land of Israel has no irrigation (unlike Egypt), but only rain from God
11:13-11:21 Rain and plenitude will come only if you obey, so obey and continually think of the laws (SHEMA PARAGRAPH 2)
11:22-11:25 If you obey, you will conquer up to the Euphrates
11:26-11:28 You now get a blessing or curse, depending on whether you obey (the blessing and curse of Har Gerizim and Eval)
11:29-12:19 LAWS: destroy idolatry; establish one worship center for yourselves
12:20-12:28 You can eat meat outside this Temple (but not blood), but not holy things or vows
12:29-13:1 Don't inquire into the idolatries you destroyed
13:2-13:6 Don't follow a prophet who wants you to serve other gods - kill him
13:7-13:12 Kill family members who try to entice you to idolatry
13:13-13:19 Annihilate a city that has completely turned to idolatry
14:1-14:2 You are God's special holy people; don't cut yourself
14:3-14:8 Kosher land animals
14:9-14:10 Kosher fish
14:11-14:21 Kosher birds; don't eat carcasses; milk and meat
14:22-14:27 Tithe eaten at the Temple; redeeming tithes
14:28-14:29 Tithe for the poor
15:1-15:6 Loan forgiveness in 7th year
15:7-15:11 Loan to the poor, even if the 7th year approaches
15:12-15:18 Slaves freed after 6 years; give them gifts when they leave
15:19-15:23 Firstborn animals, if unblemished, are holy and eaten in the Temple
16:1-16:8 Pesach
16:9-16:12 Counting seven weeks; Shavuot
16:13-16:17 Sukkot
16:18-16:20 Appoint fair judges
16:21-16:22 Don't make an Asherah or pillar next to God's altar
17:1 Don't sacrifice blemished animals
17:2-17:7 Idolatrous Jews are killed after being tried with witnesses
17:8-17:13 If a case is too hard, get a ruling from the priest or other judge at the Temple
17:14-17:20 Appointing a king, who cannot have excess wives/horses/money, and who must review the Torah constantly
18:1-18:2 Priests don't inherit land, but get sacrifices
18:3-18:5 Gifts to priests: certain parts of sacrificed animals, also first fruits
18:6-18:8 A Levite who wants to constantly serve in the Temple gets a portion of food in addition to his family's share
18:9-18:22 Don't do magic; standards for true prophet (Israelite, speaks in God's name, predicts future accurately)
19:1-19:10 Cities of refuge (3 in Canaan, potentially 3 more if they conquer extra land)
19:11-19:13 Murderers aren't protected by city of refuge
19:14 Don't move border stones
19:15-19:21 Court decisions need 2 witnesses; punishment for false witnesses (edim zomemim)
20:1-20:9 Before battles, new house/field owners/husbands can go home; do not fear because God is on your side
20:10-20:18 Offer peace before attacking a foreign city; but not for Canaanites
20:19-20:20 Don't cut down fruit trees in a siege
21:1-21:9 Unsolved murder - kill a calf to get communal forgiveness (egla arufa)
21:10-21:14 Conditions for marrying a beautiful captive woman
21:15-21:17 Do not privilege the firstborn of a loved wife if the unloved wife's firstborn was born earlier
21:18-21:21 Rebellious son is killed
21:22-21:23 Executed criminals must not be left unburied overnight
22:1-22:3 Return lost objects
22:4 Help lift your neighbor's fallen animal
22:5 Don't wear clothing of the the opposite sex
22:6-22:7 Shoo away a mother bird before taking the eggs
22:8-22:9 Make wall around your roof; don't mix species in your vineyard
22:10-22:11 Don't plow with different species, or wear mixed garments
22:12 Tzitzit
22:13-22:19 A man who falsely accuses his new wife of not being a virgin must pay a fine
22:20-22:21 If the accusation is true (from adultery) she is killed
22:22 Adultery punished by death for both partners
22:23-22:24 Relations by betrothed girl in city (adultery) punished by death
22:25-22:27 Relations by betrothed girl in field (rape) - only the man killed
22:28-22:29 Relations by a single girl - the man is fined and can be made to marry her
23:1 Don't marry your father's wife
23:2 A man with destroyed genitals cannot marry a Jew
23:3 A "mamzer" and descendants cannot marry a Jew
23:4-23:7 An Ammonite or Moavite and descendants cannot marry a Jew
23:8-23:9 An Edomite or Egyptian and two generations of descendants cannot marry a Jew
23:10-23:15 Soldier with nocturnal emissions must leave the camp; soldiers must cover their excrement; your camp must be holy so God will fight for you
23:16-23:17 Don't return runaway slaves
23:18-23:19 Don't be a prostitute or bring a prostitute's wages to the Temple
23:20-23:21 Don't lend with interest to Jews
23:22-23:24 Fulfill all your vows or avoid vowing
23:25 You can eat in your neighbor's vineyard, but not take take his grapes in a container
23:26 You can pluck your neighbor's corn, but not use a sickle
24:1-24:4 A woman divorced, and remarried to someone else, cannot later remarry the first husband
24:5-24:6 In first year of marriage you are exempt from the draft; don't take a millstone as pledge for a loan
24:7 Kidnapping punished by death
24:8-24:9 Follow the rules of leprosy (remember Miriam's leprosy)
24:10-24:13 Don't go into someone's home to collect a pledge; return a poor person's pledged garment at sundown
24:14-24:15 Pay workers promptly
24:16 Don't kill people for sins of their parents/kids
24:17-24:18 Don't "pervert justice" to strangers or orphans; don't take a widow's garment as a pledge
24:19 Leave forgotten sheaves in the field for the poor
24:20-24:22 Don't gather left-behind olives or grapes - leave them for the poor
25:1-25:4 Maximum of 40 lashes as punishment for crime; don't muzzle an ox treading grain
25:5-25:10 Childless widow should marry brother-in-law to have kids (yibum)
25:11-25:12 A women who grabs the genitals of one of two men in a fight must have her hand cut off
25:13-25:16 Have fair weights and measures
25:17-25:19 After conquering Canaan, destroy Amalek
26:1-26:11 Bring first fruits to the Temple, and declare your recognition that God has brought you to the land
26:12-26:15 After giving tithe to the poor, declare this to God and pray for divine blessing
26:16-26:19 Summary of speech: Israel and God have a special relationship; obey God and you will be rewarded

27:1-27:8 Moshe commands: upon entering Israel, go to Har Eval, write the law on stones, build an altar, and offer sacrifices
27:9-27:10 Moshe and priests command: You are God's people so obey God
27:11-27:14 Instructions for Har Gerizim and Eval - which tribes on which mountain
27:15 Levites will curse a secret idolater
27:16 Levites will curse those who curse (?) their parents
27:17 Levites will curse those who move border stones
27:18 Levites will curse those who mislead the blind
27:19-27:20 Levites will curse those who mistreat the poor, and those who have relations with one's father's wife
27:21 Levites will curse those who have relations with animals
27:22 Levites will curse those who have relations with their sister
27:23 Levites will curse those who have relations with their mother-in-law
27:24 Levites will curse those who hit (kill?) their neighbors in secret
27:25 Levites will curse those who take bribes (for capital crimes)
27:26 Levites will curse those who do not uphold the laws
28:1-28:14 [Text of covenant in Moav] Blessings: if you obey God
28:15-28:68 Curses: if you disobey
28:69 Summary of new covenant in Moav
29:1-29:8 Moshe speaks: remember the miracles in Egypt and the desert, so follow the covenant...
29:9-29:28 are making this covenant today; don't worship idols, or God will punish you with the curses in the covenant.
30:1-30:10 If you return to God, God will return you and reward you [quasi-continuation of Moav covenant?]
30:11-30:14 The commandments are not remote and unreachable, but rather in your power to perform
30:15-30:20 Keep the laws and be rewarded, or disobey and be punished
31:1-31:6 Moshe repeats these words [the quasi-continuation], and says not to fear, God will help conquer
31:7-31:13 Moshe publicly instructs Yehoshua to conquer, writes the laws in a book, commands to read the book publicly every 7 years (hakhel) [Moshe acts]
31:14-31:30 Moshe commanded to write Haazinu as witness; God encourages Yehoshua; finished Torah put in ark; people gathered to hear Haazinu [God acts]
32:1-32:43 Haazinu song: God chooses Israel, Israel rebels, God punishes Israel; God avenges harm to Israel
32:44-32:47 Moshe has the people memorize the song
32:48-32:52 God tells Moshe to go to the mountain and die
33:1-33:6 Moshe's blessing - general and to Reuven
33:7 Moshe's blessing to Yehudah
33:8-33:11 Moshe's blessing to Levi
33:12 Moshe's blessing to Binyamin
33:13-33:17 Moshe's blessing to Yosef
33:18-33:19 Moshe's blessing to Zevulun and Yissachar
33:20-33:21 Moshe's blessing to Gad
33:22-33:23 Moshe's blessing to Dan and Naftali
33:24-33:29 Moshe's blessing to Asher and all Israel
34:1-34:12 Moshe goes up the mountain, sees the land, dies, is mourned; Yehoshua leads. No prophet like Moshe ever arose.