Monday, November 15, 2010

Kippah size

"Sometimes a small head gives the impression of a big yarmulke."

(And when translated into Hebrew, this line has a extra twist [read the definition there, since the translation is rather inaccurate].)


micha berger said...

There is a story told about R' JB Soloveitchik in YU in the late 1960s, perhaps early 1970s, when "Pepsi Cola cap" yarmulkas -- knitted kippot not much bigger than such a soda cap -- were in vogue in some circles. A student arrived wearing one. RJBS took off his hat, adjusted his own (rather large) black yarmulke, and noted how interesting it was that a yarmulke always gravitated to a size just large enough to cover the brain...


Plain Suede Kippahs said...

Yes I agree, but Im wearing a big Kippah..not really my size but its ok as long as it is plain and Velvet Kippah Im comfortable with it.

Anonymous said...

I think size doesn't really matter as long as there's a kippah on. And what you trully believe is important than the size of it. As long as you're comfortable and knows the true meaning of why you should ear a kippah. :)

Jasper @ Best Kippah

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